Need help!! My 9 year old dog has had a lump on the side of his face …

Need help!!
My 9 year old dog has had a lump on the side of his face which looks like a cyst for a couple of years now. It didn’t look serious and he appeared fine so we never took him to a vet. Now we are getting worried as it keeps getting bigger and now appears a reddish colour and appears to be bleeding slightly. We are going to be taking him to a vet but I also would like some opinions before I go there.
In the image I have put in below is the lumps current state.
If u could please give what a normal procedure would be to treat it and estimated price(UK) that would be greatly appreciated

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, It is not possible for anyone to diagnose via a photo. Please bring your pup to the vet as soon as possible. I am very worrie this is going to rupture and it will not stop bleeding as it is not normal tissue. I am concerned it might be some kind of cancerous lesion but I also hope and believe ( based on how slow growing it is ) that is is not a malignant or aggressive kind. Please see a vet and have it removed. It looks like this can be done without too much difficulty. I wouldn’t… Read more »