My dog just bit our neighbor out of nowhere?!? We recently (2 weeks ago today…

My dog just bit our neighbor out of nowhere?!? We recently (2 weeks ago today) brought home a 2 year old great dane/lab/retriever mix. We’ve been doing out “trial” run as we call it to see if he’s our perfect fit. Well so far it’s been amazing. We keep saying he’s a turn key dog, perfect. Until today. Our neighbor, whom he’s never met, walked over to us and the dog, who was on the chain lunged and bit her. Out of nowhere. She had and ready let him sniff, do his thing, pet him, he was andlreadyll good, then BAM! Luckily he didn’t puncture the skin and she was understanding when we apologized multiple times, but my husband is irritate. He has zero tolerance for this. He wants him gone. I’m wondering if maybe it was just andlreadyll glitch persay? I random act of over excitement? Does anyone have any ideas? He’s never done it to anyone we’ve had over or taken him to see. I understand my husbands concern as there are people that walk around here, kids, smaller animals, and he doesn’t want them hurt seeing as how this happened with him on a leash. Any ideas?

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7 years ago

There are many factors that can lead up to this type of situation. Have you discussed this with your vet? Have you spoken to your trainer about it or a behaviorist? I’m not sure of your daily routine with your dog as far as walks and training, but those are absolutely KEY in keeping your pack order straight. I would start out talking with my vet and a trainer and take things from there. There is no such thing as a perfec pet. They all require time, work, lots of love and patience. No matter how docile they seem to… Read more »