I got my five-month-old male cat neutered two days ago, and everything looked fine until…

I got my five-month-old male cat neutered two days ago, and everything looked fine until this morning when I noticed a small red swelling. I’m not sure if I should be concerned, or just keep an eye on it.
I’m an expat in a country with literally one licensed vet, and thus she’s very busy all the time and it’s hard to get into contact with her to ask questions. I’ve attached a photo; it’s not great, but it gives the idea.
Other than that, he seems to have mostly regained his appetite, and he’s back to being his affectionate self.

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Elizabeth Buller
Elizabeth Buller
7 years ago

Thank you for your response! I left a message for her several hours ago, so hopefully she will see it and respond. I’m keeping a close eye on him and other than the redness he seems fine and is acting normal.
Thank you for your time. 🙂 I’d rather be safe than sorry, so getting a second opinion helps (and hopefully I’ll get a third from my vet).

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello, I always cringe a little when trying to analyze a pet by a photo. So, I always have to give the same general advice; if your cat is acting normally they are probably ok. always check and follow up with your vet. Even if it is leaving a message. make sure your kitten isn’t bothering with the incision. Keep a close eye out, and in general after 48 hours these cases rarely have problems. Hope this helps. As long as it isn’t actively bleeding, looking infected (pus, pain, swelling, warm), and your cat is acting fine,,, you are probably… Read more »