I cannot afford to go to the vet

I cannot afford to go to the vet

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Alexander Goodner
Alexander Goodner
8 years ago

Thank you for the financial advice that’s not the question I asked now when I got the puppy I was financially sound until I lost my job a few days ago but that’s not why I’m here I’m here to do what I can to help him but thank you for not answering anything at all your a crappy Vet

8 years ago

Yikes! What kind of glass? How large? How sharp? How many pieces? I would do my very best to find a way to see a vet. If you don’t know, you might have to later anyway with an emergency on your hands! At least call them.

I’ve seen couple times a vet feed cotton (I think it was) but all that has so many dangerous variables I would not risk it ever.