My dog does not move his back legs normally, this afternoon he ran and jumped…

My dog does not move his back legs normally, this afternoon he ran and jumped as always , but in the night I want to take him for his walk and I’m notice that his left leg looked strange as numb and walk a bit odd , when I went to check his leg I’m notice that he had the tendons were tight and caused him discomfort when pressing them strong, when the stretch and moved it looked completely normal when he got up again, note that his right leg was like walking a little wobbly too, he is not dragging his legs , He stood on four legs but the back looked shaky as if weakness and alternated his weight from one leg to the other .He seemed to tire, He walk and jump into bed and lay back, he don’t have fever or breathing difficulties, and so far it has made their physiological needs normally. I am very worried, it’s late at night and do not know what I can do and I cannot go to the vet at least not now!? I do

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yuly ruiz
yuly ruiz
8 years ago

thank so much for the ansewr¡¡ this mornig he was so much better except for a slight limp in his left leg. The veterinary came to look him and said maybe was something whit his hip she said the was rare to happen with small dog and so young but not impossible,she gave him an injection for the pain and massaging and did not find anything unusual.she told us to give him some pills for pain during the course of the week and to give him massages whit one cream to relax the muscles. he look good, he can do… Read more »

Julie Brader
8 years ago

Hi I’m so sorry your dog has injured himself. If you cannot get him to an emergency Vet could you possibly cage rest him? He could have seriously damaged something and the less he uses his back legs the better. If he needs to go outside to the toilet you could also support him under his tummy with a large towel to keep the weight off his legs until you can take him to the Vet for a diagnosis. Please do try and take him to an emergency Vet if you possibly can though. I do hope he will be… Read more »

8 years ago

Hopefully you got him in to see a vet. It may just be a strain or pulled muscle, but I would have a vet diagnose that. Best of luck.