Just noticed small white segments of worms moving in my pregnant dogs poo, what would…

Just noticed small white segments of worms moving in my pregnant dogs poo, what would be safe for her and pups? She is due in less than a week. She’s still her bubbly self, but I’m worried for her.

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Anna Jones
Anna Jones
9 years ago

Thx so much, I JUST noticed them last night, so my plans were to call the vet 1st thing and ask. I couldn’t sleep so I searched and read about the worms and pregnant dogs and then I found this site. I haven’t been able to sleep, waiting on the vet to open.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Anna, if you are finding worms at this late stage in her pregnancy you need to contact a Vet to find out if she can be wormed now and which wormer is safe. You will have a lot of problems with worms in the puppies if you don’t keep up with the worming when they are born if your bitch has them this badly. Not only are they passed through the placenta but also mum’s milk. The puppies will need worming at 2 weeks; 5 weeks; 8 weeks and every 3 weeks after that. Ask your Vet which wormer… Read more »

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

aawww bless you! They are a worry aren’t they! Don’t know if you knew but bitches all have worms laying dormant….pregnancy brings them to life unfortunately. Don’t worry I’m sure your Vet will give you good advice.