On Monday my cat slid off our grill, and his back paw got caught in between …

On Monday my cat slid off our grill, and his back paw got caught in between the handle and grill cover. He was hanging by the leg, the back paw bent over, unable to get free. (He’s 15 pounds). Went to local vet. X-rays taken. Told nothing broken. I called the next day, since he wouldn’t walk on it. Was told they didn’t get good X-ray of foot, so I brought him back in. Was told 1 bone broken, no need to cast. Was sent the X-ray. Appears to have 2, maybe 3 breaks. Not sure if this can heal without casting. Don’t feel comfortable just giving him pain meds for 2 weeks, and then find out it didn’t heal correctly. Already spent $350. Does he need a second opinion, or casting?

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5 years ago

I’m sorry no one got back to you sooner! I would get a second opinion. It sounds like you are wary of what the first vet office told you…. I would bring the xrays with me, but they will probably want to take more, so be prepared for that expense. I hope everything works out!