I’d love to hear you opinion on the corporatizing ( making that word up) of…

I’d love to hear you opinion on the corporatizing ( making that word up) of veterinary clinics. Personally I’ve had mixed results with both small independent clinics and with one of the large corporate players.

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6 years ago

I personally feel that whether your vet clinic large or small, it is imperative to have a good relationship with them. If you have a good, reciprocal relationship where you both have your pets best interest at heart, it is a win win for everyone, most importantly your pet, involved.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, I agree with Sarah! It is very important to know who your pets provider is and who the owner of the clinic that they work for is. It is also vitally important to be prepared for the inevitable bumps in the road of your pets life. Knowing what options are available for expensive conditions is also a way to be prepared. Many clinics don’t provide surgeries and rely on referrals. Others don’t offer any payment options outside of credit cards. And even fewer invest back in their community for shelters, rescues, or unhomed animals. It all depends on your… Read more »