Our 4 month male lab/husky (a patient at JVV) He has episodes of “attacking/biting”. Today …

Our 4 month male lab/husky (a patient at JVV)
He has episodes of “attacking/biting”. Today he went after my 5 year old grandson. Bit him in the leg. Not provoked. He also has biting episodes at night. My daughter, his mom, puts him in a hold and he calms down. CN u offer advice how to train him to stop. This is scary. Thank you

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4 years ago

Good morning-
I am sorry this is an issue. I would first start with a vet exam to rule out any medical issue. Then I would search out a reputable behaviorist to help you with training. It will be time and money well spent. In a serious case like this, a behaviorist is very helpful. Very best of luck to you all. I hope your grandson is ok.

4 years ago

I agree, vet, then behaviorist.