Our 4 year old Sheltie who frequently suffers from skin allergies has very sore front paw pads …

Our 4 year old Sheltie who frequently suffers from skin allergies has very sore front paw pads from licking them frequently. He takes prescribed apoquel and we supplement with benadryl as needed. I have not seen him licking his paws for a while but he has a visible limp on one paw when walking. I have looked at his paw pad and while it looks very rough and chapped I don’t see any visible cuts or wounds. In addition to the medications mentioned we have purchased dog booties for him when walking him and are applying an all natural paw butter. I’m just wondering what else we can do to help his paws heal short of putting a cone on him, as I don’t think he’s licking them currently? Thanks for any suggestions.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I see lots of limping in dogs with red and painful feet. Typically they are licking pretty feverishly. The best advice I can give is to talk to your vet and ask them all of the things you mention here. I also want to highlight how important routine year around flea and tick prevention is. Also ask about Cytopoint use. Also it might be time for a medicated shampoo and even supplements like omega 3 fatty acid. My point is that dermatology is an active and evolving condition. It takes lots of time and assistance from your vet often… Read more »