Our 9 month old boxer is scheduled for a neuter just before he turns 11 months old. A …

Our 9 month old boxer is scheduled for a neuter just before he turns 11 months old. A lot of boxer forums have recommended waiting until male boxers hit 18 months so they don’t miss out of their growing hormones. Just wondering if it’s worth the wait. Simba is definitely a more well behaved pup at 9 months than he was at 5 months. Calms down more easily, isn’t as hyper all of the time. Any input would be appreciated!

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4 years ago

I’m a fan of waiting. If you can be 100% certain to keep him contained in the event he smells a bitch in heat in the neighborhood, it’s good to let him keep his hormones until fully grown.

(People who neuter for behavioral reasons are lazy trainers. Marking is a training issue, unmanaged attitude problems are due to lack of engagement, etc.)