Our8week lab developed parvo. Still, our5week golden had the same symptoms(vomitting,bloody dihharea,lethargy), but his parvo…

Our8week lab developed parvo. Still, our5week golden had the same symptoms(vomitting,bloody dihharea,lethargy), but his parvo test was negative (4 day), while our labs (2day)was positive. Is there a possibility it was a false negative test?

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Anna K
Anna K
9 years ago

Thanks Krista,
Our Golden seems just fine right now. It’s his 10th day of parvo, but he’s eating like a crazy, plays, walks around. Our lab feels horrible despite hospitalization. It’s his 5 / 6th day of parvo, but she began to vomit again after meals. He was in hospital from Monday to Friday. Now she’s at home, but they’re separated.
Our lab takes oral fluids right now and is on amoxy, curcumine and metronidazole.