My cat is in pain… I don’t know what happen.. but he cries, he’s lying…

My cat is in pain… I don’t know what happen.. but he cries, he’s lying on the ground hardly breathing, moments later he pees while lying… I couldn’t take it to vet cause of the location we are in. Please i need to save my cat, please help me.

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7 years ago

It sounds like an emergency and you really need to find a vet asap.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I’m sorry to hear about your cat. He desperately needs an examination to help understand what might be going on. A veterinarian will look, listen and feel him all over and from there try to give some guidance on what might be going on. Even with this it is sometimes necessary to perform a blood analysis and radiographs. The only advice I can give you is to see a vet immediately. I hope he is ok