Species: Dog

Age: 4

Sex/Neuter status: Not neutered

Breed: Weimaraner

Body weight: 66lbs

History: He started showing sings of…

Species: Dog

Age: 4

Sex/Neuter status: Not neutered

Breed: Weimaraner

Body weight: 66lbs

History: He started showing sings of what appeared to be the mange at 3 y-o. Before this he was completely healthy and hadn’t had any sorts of trouble or illnesses. He was taken to 4-5 different vets and he had some studies done where they determined he had staphylococcus aureus on his skin. Most of them agreed that it was mange and suggested the following treatments (at different times, to no avail):

* Inyected clindamycin
* Ciprofloxacin tablets
* Cephalosporin (don’t know if tablets or capsules)
* Omega 3 and 6
* B complex and casein shots
* Shampoo with amitraz
* Florfenicol .6% spray
* Aluspray
* Antisebhorreic shampoo

And he is currently on an hypoallergenic salmon diet with special food.

Clinical signs:

* Weight loss
* Very swollen paws and skin in general
* Hair loss
* Loss of appetite
* Ulcers
* Lethargic
* Some fever here and there
* Redness in his eyes

Here are some pictures of him http://imgur.com/a/FgYiT

This is him a couple of months after it started a year ago http://i.imgur.com/whXOmQs.jpg

Duration: 1 year

Your general location: Mexico city

What could this be? What can we do for him? We’ve tried everything and it seems like nothing works and we’re scared to death. We want him to get better.

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Alejandra Torres
Alejandra Torres
9 years ago

He already had bloodwork and nothing showed up, in the skin scrape they just detected bacteria and in the skin biopsy they caught the staphyloccocus aureus. No fungi in any of those.

He was also seen at a vet teaching hospital by both students and doctors and most of them agreed on mange and one has been studying his case closely to no avail.

Alejandra Torres
Alejandra Torres
9 years ago

They are not in the US and not anywhere close to a border city at all. We are desperate which is why I’ve come here to ask online since we’ve taken it to plenty different vets on the city and outside the city and spent amounts on the thousands to get him better, which is not a problem because we love him but we are truly worried and aside from the staphyloccocus aureus on his studies, nothing else has shown. They’ve urged their vet and themselves which is why they’ve gone to so many different providers and have tried all… Read more »