Hi pawbly friends- 2 questions. First, is there a number to report dead bald eagles…

Hi pawbly friends- 2 questions. First, is there a number to report dead bald eagles to? We have 2 (pretty sure it’s 2) carcasses in the feed field behind our house which I find quite strange. Second, our 2 younger GSDs got ahold of part of one and got into a scuffle over it. One got the other in the forepaw with a canine and punctured it. I have antibiotics (cephalexin) and have cleaned it with the blue solution we have from the vet for such unfortunate events. I’ve put antibiotic ointment on it and have it bandaged up. Vet office is closed at the moment….will make a phone call tomorrow to them. Thinking we are ok or the time being. He is running around on it no problems at th moment.

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Call Pheonix Wildlife about the eagles. They can help.
Second about the pups. Keep doing what you’re doing. Start the antibiotics and soak the foot in the nolvasan. I’m at the clinic tomorrow. Let me know how they are doing. You can send me a photo and call me I’m at the clinic.