Hi pawbly friends- My mom was dog sitting tonight so that we could take the kiddos…

Hi pawbly friends-
My mom was dog sitting tonight so that we could take the kiddos trick or treating and there was a fight between all three of our guys. Do not know the trigger. Our old guy is limping around and is pretty slow, and our girl is limping a bit. Our new guy seems no worse for the wear. My question is whether or not it is ok to keep them separated tonight or will that backfire on me for tomorrow when I take them for a walk to try and pack up again to move past this setback?

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6 years ago

Hi Sarah, I’m glad everything seems okay now. I would keep a close eye on them – someone gave a side eye to someone else, and obviously a fight broke out. You said you have two males, and that always concerns me, ESPECIALLY with breeds like GSDs. Good luck.