Hi pawbly friends… It was a snowy, no school day here. Try as I might, I…

Hi pawbly friends…
It was a snowy, no school day here. Try as I might, I could not get the dogs to stay in while the kids were out playing in the snow, and all that running and horse play took a toll on our 12 year old GSD Butch. He just fell going down the stairs…. not the whole stair case, the stepto get onto the landing. My husband picked him up and rather than having him try to use the stairs tonight, we brought him round the outside way to use the hill instead. He seems fine on his walk just now, but slow going. My question is this: he’s got rimadyl that we give him sparingly for pain from his arthritis. Should I give him some tonight, or wait til morning when he will probably be really stiff, or give tonight and tomorrow? Thanks for anyand all advice!

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7 years ago

I didn’t see this last night but I wouldn’t give NSAIDs preemptively.

I think I would try to work on leashing him if he’s going to go a little off his rocker on snow days. 😉 That or work on the kids not letting him out.

7 years ago

Oh, and for recovery, crate rest for the day.

Julie Brader
7 years ago

Hi Sarah, just wondered if you had considered Acupuncture for Butch? I know it helps a lot of dogs.
You could also ask your Vet about Gabapentin as an alternative to Rimadyl. It gives good pain relief and has no side effects in canines.
Do hope Butch is feeling better soon ?