My 9 year old cat is peeing on bath/ kitchen mats. However, he also uses…

My 9 year old cat is peeing on bath/ kitchen mats. However, he also uses the litter boxes. I have heard of surface preferences in cats but im not sure if this applies since he uses the litter box as well. My mom seems to think hes mad at me because i left him for a day and a half (with more than enough food and water). However, its not the first time this has happened. And unfortunately, i only adopted him about 3 months ago so i dont know his history on litter box use. And i added a picture of him because hes just too cute to be mad at, but the peeing is slightly frustrating. So, if anyone has any ideas or advice or helpful tips it would be much appreciated!

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6 years ago

I’d head to the vet, to be quite honest. If he’s clear of any illness, make sure he has two VERY CLEAN litterboxes in different parts of the house.