My Pekingese’s name is stitch and my grams Jack Russel is Petey and Petey has…

My Pekingese’s name is stitch and my grams Jack Russel is Petey and Petey has bitten stitch but he does not understand and still won’t leave him alone and I sit there for awhile just telling stitch to stop and then I say ” Bad boy” and put him in the cage. Help me please.

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Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno
9 years ago

Please help someone. I just want him to stop being so obsessed with Petey and I want him to stay in my room. I’ve given him well over enough chances with Petey and yet he refuses to stop and I really need help.

Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno
9 years ago

Thank you Laura!

Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno
9 years ago

Yeah I gave him a toy and he humps that lol but even when I’m sitting in bed giving him tons of attention he kind of tries to get a way and jumps off the bed crying and when I let him out he runs across the house to sit by my grams door crying so I pick him up and say ” No ” and then put him back in bed he just repeats this over and over and it’s almost like he doesn’t want me or anyone but Petey and Petey doesn’t want him at all and even… Read more »

Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno
9 years ago

And I want to get him fixed but Idk i just think that after getting bit a few times he should’ve learned to stop but he won’t.

Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno
9 years ago

Thank you

9 years ago

leash him to you – the second he tries to go for Petey, the leash will stop him.  don’t use the crate as a punishment, that’s a fast track way to get him to hate the crate.

9 years ago

he’s still a baby.

leash him to you when you can supervise, crate him when you can’t, and get him neutered. it won’t FIX the problem but it may help.

dakoda peterson
dakoda peterson
9 years ago

Honestly, it sounds like it could be caused by two things. Sexual maturity is one cause, and a possible solution is getting the dog fixed but in some cases it doesnt work. Another reason could be dominance. It’s common in dogs, and even females do it. You can try to focus your dogs attention on play or like my friend get the dog a toy to dominate instead.