I got this 1.5 months old persian female kitten yesterday.
1- She only took cows…

I got this 1.5 months old persian female kitten yesterday.
1- She only took cows milk for the first time during day and did vomit at night.
2- Today she took nothing, except water (only small quantity) and did not go to litter box whole day.
3- She is very slow and almost sleeping whole day.
4- I tried to force feed her milk and cat food, she immediately did vomit.
What should i do now? Its public holiday next 3 days no vet is open.

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Lilly Bounds
Lilly Bounds
9 years ago

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but cow’s milk is REALLY BAD for cats of all ages. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and I’d say the same for your kitten. Don’t try to force feed her, take her to the vet ASAP. I really hope she feels better, though.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

You need to take her to an emergency Vet without delay, your kitten sounds to be very ill. Cows milk is not good for kittens of this age she needs kitten milk. Shes also too young at 1.5 months to be away from her mum. Please stop force feeding her cows milk and food it may be that causing her to be ill….take her to an emergency Vet.