She acts hungry all the time,and her pooh is black.She is 17 years old. If…

She acts hungry all the time,and her pooh is black.She is 17 years old. If we let her out she eats dirt.Can any one please help me get her on the right path to good health.I cant afford to go to the vet,im not working right now.Please help us if you can,thank you

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Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
9 years ago

I want to agree with Dr. Krista that most veterinarians (and in my experience especially integrative ones) are more than willing to work with you being out of work. What skills can you offer the veterinarian (not necessarily just for the clinic – maybe she needs her house cleaned, or you are a skilled carpenter) in exchange for the veterinary care? I would look for integrative veterinarians as they may be able to help your cat with some home care treatments you can do to help with any of their treatments.  Learning Reiki will give you a tool to help… Read more »