I found my mouse sleeping, and when he woke up a bit after and he…

I found my mouse sleeping, and when he woke up a bit after and he was just sitting there, he was shaking,i tried to feed him oatmeal and he didnt eat, he started shaking and making a clicking sound and it sounds like its hard to breathe for him, and currently im holding him in my arms but i can’t take him to a vet until tomorrow afternoon.. anyone know whats happening to my pet mouse? will he survive until tomorrow?
I got my mouse last christmas 2014

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debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

The lifespan for rats and mice is about two years even with the best of care. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Keep him warm and get him to the vet as early as possible.

8 years ago

I would definitly go to a vet with her. While with 15 months your mouse is older now, she still doesn’t need to day. Maybe a vet can still help your mouse. Most mice I knew got around 18-20 month old. As I can’t see him I can’t tell for sure of course, if help is still possible. The breathing problems and clicking sound could be signs of a lunginfection. He should get antibiotics for this. Sometimes Vitamin B can also help. It is important to keep him warm and hydrated. You can try to place a drop of water… Read more »

8 years ago

unfortunately, he may be nearing the end of his lifespan.  i HOPE he’s okay overnight.  i HOPE he will be fine and he’s just sick.  i might try to keep him warm overnight, and i’d rush him to the vet first thing in the morning.