its been having seizures all night and day and i have to watch it all…

its been having seizures all night and day and i have to watch it all the time. It gets worse by the minute, when i call him, he starts to shake. He even tries to walk to me but falls down and its heartbreaking

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Brandon Marshall
Brandon Marshall
9 years ago

I had to call the dogpound, they said it was distemper, and that it was too late to save him. I had to put him to sleep, this was the hardest day ever

Brandon Marshall
Brandon Marshall
9 years ago

i thought they had gave the dog shots when i purchased it, but from what happend today, they didnt. I will make sure to give all my dogs shots and if i get a new one. Thank you <3 at least he isnt suffering anymore

Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
9 years ago

So very sad.

Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
9 years ago

Get to a vet ASAP. If you have Valium for this follow the instructions, administer rectally so you don’t get accidentally bitten.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear this, what an awful day for you. I guess your dog didn’t have any innoculations to protect him from Distemper ect. If and when you get another dog please make sure he has all his innoculations and this won’t happen again. I’m very sad you’ve lost your dog.