She is a 5 month Pomeranian. We have taken her to the vet and was…

She is a 5 month Pomeranian. We have taken her to the vet and was prescribed some tonics. But still there is no change. She also loves to eat paper and anything else she can get her paws on. She still hasn’t understood commands like SIT, STAY, etc. I am 15 and she is my first pet.

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9 years ago

she’s the right age for teething, which is when puppies’ gums are sore and eating can be painful.  this is also the age both of my puppies went through a stage where they didn’t want to eat anything, so i would use that as an opportunity for training.  i would put the bowl down and leave it for 15 minutes, and if she doesn’t touch the bowl, pick it back up.  i would use her kibble as training treats so she’s working for it – you should be working on basic obedience right now, anyway, so it’s an ideal opportunity… Read more »