Before I provide details, I plan on taking her in to the vet tomorrow as…

Before I provide details, I plan on taking her in to the vet tomorrow as her regular vet is closed to. I’m hoping someone will be able to provide me with what I can do in the meantime. My three year old dog is in alot of pain in her hind legs and when I lightly touch her left hip down to her leg she yelps. She cant walk but still has a little feeling in both legs. I have tried almost everything to help relieve some pain but it doesn’t seem to be working.

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Unfortunately there is no pain medication you can give her.  Keep her calm and laying down.  You can also try ice or heat to her painful area.

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

Probably the best thing right now is to make her comfortable until tomorrow. Try to keep her from moving around too much. A crate or dog travel pen is commonly used to avoid moving around. I would place her inside.. right after she uses the bathroom one last time and given some food or water.  Don’t keep touching her where it hurts and don’t fuss over her just keep calm and relaxed.  Good luck.