Hi! My cat has a pink, goopy eye. He has had this in the past…

Hi! My cat has a pink, goopy eye. He has had this in the past and it’s gone away within a day or two but it’s been about 4 days now. What do you think it is? Should I take him to the vet?

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Beth Holler
Beth Holler
8 years ago

Thank you Dr. Magnifico! I probably can’t take him until next week because I work and then the weekend is Christmas, but I will definitely get his eye checked by the vet.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Ok. If the squinting worsens or the discharge becomes more severe pleaee see the vet asap. I always worry about eyes.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I have to admit that I’m general any recurrent or concerning eye issues warrants a trip to the vet for an examination. At this point I would guess that an ophthalmic is in order. Hopefully with an early treatment option the eye will be better quickly and without any long standing issues. Be proactive and see the vet.
Let us know what they say.