My pitbull is pregnant and she has been leaking milk for about 2 weeks. She…

My pitbull is pregnant and she has been leaking milk for about 2 weeks. She has been digging under the table but still hasn’t had her puppies. Could she be holding them in? And what should I do?

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Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

How many days pregnant is she? If she is past 63 days you need to get her seen by the vet.  It sounds like she is nesting. Is there any leakage from her vulva? Have you been taking her temp? A dogs temp will drop to around 99 degrees when they are about to give birth.  The first thing you need to do is determine how many days pregnant she is, then perhaps a vet visit.

9 years ago

have you called your vet about this?  they’re aware she’s pregnant, right?  i would be asking them.