Please help! I have never owned a cat before, actually I am allergic. The Universe dropped …

Please help! I have never owned a cat before, actually I am allergic. The Universe dropped two kittens in my lap that the mother never returned for. On of the kittens dies. I had them before their eyes were open. Through some good people at my vet I was able to learn some things (the hard way) and able to raise the kitten off the bottle. I have the kitten and named her Luna. And to say the least Luna is a handful. She acts feral when new people are around or I take her to the vet. She attacks everything and she is rarely calm enough to love on. She has peed in my tub one time before a couple weeks ago but today she pooped and then hours later peed in my tub. The same day. Today actually. Please if anyone knows anything about bottle baby kittens or has any advice please help.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago


Call recurses and vet offices and post something on social media to see if you can find anyone locally to help advise you. Also there are multiple resources on YouTube and Facebook for kitten experts. See if you can follow them. They have extensive articles and archives.