the vet i took bella to concluded that she’d endured a stroke, began her on…

the vet i took bella to concluded that she’d endured a stroke, began her on antibiotics (amoxicillin) and prednisone to treat her symptoms and restore her strength, after a day on fluids, symptoms were overall lethargy, weakness, excessive drooling, occasional nausea, pacing and disorientation. she was doing amazing, i was so thankful. she was acting normal again. until today, the only thing we can attribute the change to (speculation), is that her round of antibiotics was completed yesterday at 6pm. she was acting relatively well until about 12-1:00pm today. we are at a loss, we have no money for the vet for a week or so and i love my bella with all my heart. please help, please, any advice or ideas would be amazing. i just want her to be well and out of pain.

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