Hi pawbly- If a dog had pneumonia as a puppy, are there residual effects when they…

Hi pawbly-
If a dog had pneumonia as a puppy, are there residual effects when they are older? I’m curious because one of our dogs, Riva, apparently had pneumonia when they first got her to the rescue. She is 2 now and seems to tire easily. Loves to play and run, but not for too long. Curious if there is a correlation or if she really is just a diva?

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I have seen lots and lots of puppies recover from pneumonia and all of them grew up to be normal active healthy dogs. It is (theoretically) possible that the damage to the lung could cause scarring and potentially make exercise (breathing and stamina) more difficult. But, my bet is more on diva. ?