Hello everyone,

I have a 3-year-old cat with a polyp. I’m not sure where the polyp is located since the x-rays/MRI scan cost 1k. I’ve joined groups on Facebook to find any clinics to remove the polyp. VCA quoted me 4-7k which doesn’t include any kind of scans and most local veterinarians only remove polyp if they can physically see it.

I really need any help trying to find any clinic in the US. I’m willing to travel but for a reasonable price. I’m a college student living on my own with many expenses and it’s truly upsetting seeing my little guy go through this. I can hear him snoring and couching. I believe the polyp is located in his throat and nose.

Please please help me out!!!

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3 years ago

Hi there- I’m sorry that you are going through this. Have you tried pet insurance to see if they cover some of the cost? Have you tried you local humane society to see if they can point you towards a vet or surgeon who can get you a proper diagnosis and is able to perform the surgery if necessary? Have you spoken to your regular vet and asked their opinion, based on your finances, how to best help your cat or where else you can go for assistance? I would start there. I would also google the surrounding area and… Read more »

3 years ago

Hello, I went through this just a year ago and finally found a vet near me who is amazing and removed my cats polyps without pushing an MRI. This vet is in MN. Let me know if you’d like his info.