My standard poodle is a little over a year old and a couple months ago…

My standard poodle is a little over a year old and a couple months ago I noticed her head was bloody. After having it cleaned out thinking she just scratched it on something… I noticed she would get irritated red areas on her head. And then would scratch and leave it raw and bloody… It’s happened multiple times now and this morning again when I woke up her head was full of dry blood and wounded. Could it be a skin condition? it’s only on her head and snout that this happens

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

Just as Dr. Dawn mentioned, it would be an allergy, reaction to fleas, something going on with her thyroid, etc.  Or it could be mange.  I was just reading up on sarcoptic mange since one of my boys is showing signs of this — and read that it is often one of the most difficult things to diagnose.  And as a result, it is suspected that this condition is severely under diagnosed!  This article recommended that if a dog is severely itchy, with no fleas present, then they should treat for sarcoptic mange.  Then, if that does not solve the… Read more »

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

It could be an allergy or a skin condition Iike a pemphigus however, a vet needs to examine your dog to make a proper diagnosis.

Good Luck

Dr Dawn