How do I stop my dog from pooping in his crate and trying to escape…

How do I stop my dog from pooping in his crate and trying to escape? He has extreme separation anxiety, which we are working with him on hopefully getting him over. We have to keep him in a crate when we are gone or he destroys the house. He hates being in his crate, and is constantly trying to get out and hurting himself and pooping in his crate and getting it all over him. How do I stop this? He is 3 years old.

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Melissa Rumph
Melissa Rumph
8 years ago

I’ve even tried giving him benadryl to calm him down and it doesn’t seem to help

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

These cases take a great deal of time, patience and dedication. I would strongly recommend you work wih a trainer daily and ask for assistance from your vet. At my clinic we help these cases by placing them in daycare for a few weeks. The parents drop them off for the day while they are at work and we work on socialization playing and training. It gets them used to being ok without their parents. From there we start crate training. Often we use medications to help in the beginning. There is help. Ask your vet and find a trainer.