I have a 9-year-old 5 pound chihuahua with a collapsed trachea. He has been on…

I have a 9-year-old 5 pound chihuahua with a collapsed trachea. He has been on hydrocodone on and off for a few months now, and it does not seem to help at all, even at the maximum dosage. He was put on steroids which worked well for the first 2-3 weeks, but they stopped working all together before he was even done taking them. Is there any other medication out there that could possibly help? He is still eating, drinking, going to the bathroom etc without any issues, just a horrible constant cough that keeps him up half the night and I’m certain must be painful for him.

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

My very good friends dog had excellent response and recovery with diet change, weight loss and lomotil. Please ask your vet about these. We also provided nebulizer treatment and significantly restricted exercise and stress.