Does my dog look pregnant? She has signs of pregnancy like nesting, big stomach, …

Does my dog look pregnant? She has signs of pregnancy like nesting, big stomach, throwing up, more lazy, not eating as much, drinking a lot, swollen teats, etc. When I feel her stomach she flenches, and I can feel little movements. She also get wide eyed at times. Not sure if she is, can’t take her to vet. She also walks around then gets back in her box multiple times at night, lays on her stomach too.Don’t know what to do and dont know how long she has if she is pregnant until labor?

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Julie Brader
7 years ago

Totally agree with Sarah. Please find a way to take your dog to a Vet. She may not pass the puppies, she may need a cesarean. Puppies need constant monitoring, keeping warm, regular worming…as does their mum. As Sarah says if you cannot provide the care ypur bitch and the puppies will need please find an Animal Shelter who will give them all the care they require.

7 years ago

Hello- I understand that you feel you ar unable to take your dog to the vet, however, that really is the only way to know what is going on for sure. If she is pregnant, they can do an X-ray to find out how many pups she is expecting. They can do an exam to see approximately how far along she is. They can make sure she is otherwise healthy and is capable of having a healthy labor and delivering live pups. If you cannot care for her and her pups the way they will need you to, please consider… Read more »

7 years ago

Your dog needs prenatal care, and you need to prepare for the possibility that she needs emergency assistance during delivery.

If this is not an option, spay abort.