Why does our new puppy (12 weeks old) eat his own poop? How can I…

Why does our new puppy (12 weeks old) eat his own poop? How can I stop yhat?

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

This is just something that puppies do, especially if they come from puppy mills.

The only thing that truly works is getting to the poop before he does. Take him out to poo on a leash and move him away from h I should stool before he can eat it, and then pick up and dispose of it so it isn’t available later.

He will most likely grow out of this behavior.

8 years ago

Clean it up IMMEDIATELY.  Redirect when he starts to eat it.  Don’t leave him in the yard by himself and supervise closely (you should do this anyway).  I would talk with your vet to make sure he’s eating a proper diet for his breed and age, as well.