My puppy got ahold of out chewing spray and now he is puking and won’t…

My puppy got ahold of out chewing spray and now he is puking and won’t eat. What should i do???

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Britany Medina
Britany Medina
8 years ago

Ok Thank you so much!!

Britany Medina
Britany Medina
8 years ago

Should i give him his normal puppy food?

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Call the vet or pet poison control

8 years ago

 honestly, if this is a PUPPY, i wouldn’t wait.  i’d at least call the vet first thing this morning when they open.  

Belle Chabot
Belle Chabot
8 years ago


Belle Chabot
Belle Chabot
8 years ago

Probably should give him a bunch of water and normal food to get it out of his system faster. If it gets worse take him to the vet