Hello, I have a year old large puppy and he has developed a limp from…

Hello, I have a year old large puppy and he has developed a limp from one of his back legs. I have read everything online about different causes and I have done a thorough examination of his leg. There seems to be nothing out of place, no swelling and he continues to run and play (he sure doesn’t seem depressed) and he doesn’t show any signs of pain at all….what could be the problem? The only thing I can even relate to what’s happening is that it might be pano, but I want to confirm before we change his diet. There is also no sort of thorns, cracks, or cuts except a small cut in between the left side of his toes and it’s not worth taking him to the vet for a small cut about 3 cm.

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Brittany Mullens
Brittany Mullens
9 years ago

He’s only been limping for about 3 days, it seems like the limping has gotten a little better since the first day. He has broken his front toe before and was showing a lot of symptoms of pain (of course we took care of it) but that’s what I’ve been basing his pain tolerance on remembering how bad he was hurting before and he’s pretty much normal except for the limp.

Brittany Mullens
Brittany Mullens
9 years ago

UPDATE: took him to the vet today, for the past couple days before our appointment we’ve had him on bed rest and that helped alot. The limping got less severe and it seemed like he could put more weight down on that leg. The vet had said it could be a partailly torn ligament in his knee from the exam. X-rays at the beginning of next month and he’s currently on some doggy pain killers and inflammation drugs and two weeks bed rest! But he’s walking on it even better with the drugs even after one dose.

Diedra Cardamone
9 years ago

Hi Brittany,

Pets, just like people, have different tolerance levels for pain.  The fact that he is limping indicates something is definitely not right.  How long has the limping been going on?  It is sometimes difficult to know if something is a small or a large problem without going to the vet.  Finding an answer is definitely worth it :).   I hope he gets better as I can tell you care about him very much!
