My 14 week old puppy found a dead bird and picked it up in his…

My 14 week old puppy found a dead bird and picked it up in his mouth. He only had it for a minute before I got it out. Is this something I should be worried about or do something about? I know dead birds can carry diseases. I don’t know how long it had been dead but it didn’t look like it was very long.

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Julie Brader
7 years ago

Hi perhaps just watch your puppy very carefully for the next few days. If you see anything at all, sickness, loose stools….lethargy or anything else you are concerned about then take him to your Vet. I would make sure he hasn’t picked up fleas or lice from the dead bird too. You could always phone your Vet for advice also. Hope all is well with your puppy.

Jennifer Taylor
7 years ago

When my dogs have found dead animals I usually run it by my Vet just to be on the safe side. In all but one case my vet wasn’t too terribly concerned, the incident that concerned her was a scrap with a possum, we opted to boost our dog’s rabies vaccine. Best of luck!