Gunner is a 10 week old german shepard Labrador mix. He was vaccinated on 10-16-15…..

Gunner is a 10 week old german shepard Labrador mix. He was vaccinated on 10-16-15… He is currently dog # 3 under attack of this horrible horrible virus.. He was vaccinated with solojec5 not sure if that matters or not.. ANY ADVICE AT THIS POINT IS BETTER THAN WHAT IM RECIEVING AT HOME … THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART … I would rather my dog live a long happy life with someone else than not have a chance at life at all due to my financial situation … Who could I possibly contact on surrendering him to get him the help he needs.. I sont have much knowledge in this area and I want to do whats best for my dog even if it means im not the best for him . thank you …

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Dar Sawyer
Dar Sawyer
9 years ago

Check out wolf creek they have a few things you can try. Or take to the vet they will put on an IV and it can be pricey

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Britanny…..have you vaccinated your dogs yourself? I believe you can do that in the States I’m in the UK and we can only have their shots at the Vet here….and theres always 2 injections not just one. I’m so sorry to hear you have lost 2 of your 3 dogs to Parvo….., its a dreadful disease I know. You would be doing the right thing surrendering the puppy to a shelter. If he can be helped they would do that. You need to have a look in the phone book for Shelters in your area, give them a ring… Read more »