We have a 9 week old puppy that house trains really well with one exception…

We have a 9 week old puppy that house trains really well with one exception. He keeps popping in my daughter room. We keep the door shut, I have steam cleaned and scrubbed the carpet, but if the door is open for a couple minutes he will do his business in there.
He has a spot in the yard where he goes and I take him outside every hour or more often, so it isn’t that he doesn’t know where to go or intervals are too long. He also never pooped anywhere else in the house.
What can we do to discourage him from pooping in her room?

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Wiebke Wiebel
Wiebke Wiebel
8 years ago

Thank you for your reply. Yes, he gets praised and rewarded for going outside. When he poops in her room I just remove it without saying anything. I will look into redefining the area like you suggested.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I agree with Laura, this puppy is too young for the amount of freedom you are giving him. Tether him to you with a leash when you can’t watch him like a hawk until he is 6 monrhs old or even older.  It takes months to house train a puppy

8 years ago

Sounds like either the smell remained even after all that cleaning (you might need to try something to kill the scent such as vinegar/baking soda mixture or one of the good enzyme-based cleaners) or he has a reason why he feels he must do that such as marking the place. (dogs use either urine or poop for marking) What do you do when he does it outside, does he get praise and reward(s)? What do you do when he does it in the room? Is it one particular spot in the room or any area within? I remember Dr. Coren… Read more »

8 years ago

He’s too young to have that level of freedom in the house.  At this age he should be tethered to you when you can supervise him and crated when you can’t.