My puppy suddenly stopped eating. She will sniff the food then walk away, normally she…

My puppy suddenly stopped eating. She will sniff the food then walk away, normally she gets excited if she just sees me open the door to the closet with her food in it. I have to literally beg her to eat.

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8 years ago

How young is the puppy? What breed? The smaller the dog the more urgent it is to take care of it. Is there any chance she ate a piece of a toy or something she shouldn’t? Is she behaving normally otherwise, playing, running etc, or also seem quiet? These are measures of whether you need to see a vet right now or tomorrow morning. I would definitely not wait any longer than that. If she’s also lethargic, starts vomiting, gets diarrhea or any other signs of trouble, if she’s very young and/or very small, I’d seek a vet today.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I agree 100% with Jana. Not eating + puppy = HUGE red flag.