We have an ~ 4mos old puppy who testicles became inflamed and/or infected recently. …

We have an ~ 4mos old puppy who testicles became inflamed and/or infected recently. He has had some diarrhea as well (was diagnosed with roundworm and treated), but otherwise has been acting fine. Blood work showed his was slightly anemic and his WBC was slightly high. Thyroid test was normal. UA was normal. Urine culture showed two different types of bacteria, but they decided it was contamination and didn’t treat one of them since it was only susceptible to an antibiotic that isn’t good for puppies. He was already on Doxy which would treat the second bacteria. Brucella screen was negative. He was neutered the other day and the testes were filled with blood. They were sent to the pathologist and a culture was also submitted (results pending). They also ran a distemper test as well as a different type of Brucella test (results also pending). Torsion was ruled out. Has anyone seen anything like this? Are there other tests we should ask about running to figure out what is causing this?

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I have not seen anything like this. I suppose neoplasia, trauma and toxin are also on the list. The pathologist can hopefully provide the answer. Let us know please. Best of luck to your puppy.