I have a 13 week old puppy. He’s been fine but he just threw up…

I have a 13 week old puppy. He’s been fine but he just threw up his food and now he’s quivering. He’s urinating fine and he had a good bowel movement not too long ago. I’m concerned. What should I do?

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carrie Urquhart
7 years ago

Has he had vaccines? Chew on toys? I agree one more vomit and take him to vet.

7 years ago

If he’s only vomited once, I think I’d wait and see. If he vomits more, I’d be on the horn with the vet.

Jennifer Taylor
7 years ago

I would keep an eye on him for now. If his mood changes (i.e. lethargic, depressed, etc.) vomiting continues or if he starts having diarrhea I would take him to see a vet.