Hi Dr. Mag, My 12 week old puppy had vaccines DA2PPV & lepto 1 of…

Hi Dr. Mag,

My 12 week old puppy had vaccines DA2PPV & lepto 1 of 2; bordetella booster and strongid this evening at the clinic. He is now excessively urinating which is new behavior tonight. Is this normal or cause for concern?

Thank you,

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello! Sorry. I was at the clinic until after 9. My advice is to always call the vet as soon as you can if you think that there has been an allergic reaction. Even if you aren’t sure you should check with them ASAP. As far as tonight’s episode Imis concened I would say that as long as he is otherwise normal I think you are ok to wait through the night until the clinic is open in the morning. If anything else changes like attitude, behavior, or anything out of the ordinary please head to the closest ER. Just… Read more »