My puppy is 13 weeks, for the past 2 weeks he has been very good…

My puppy is 13 weeks, for the past 2 weeks he has been very good! Training well and just being a very good puppy, but the last 3 days he’s been really bad, he’s starting to pee inside again, chew up carpet, growling barking and biting, and just not listening to me and my parter! Is there any reason or anything as to why he’s all of a sudden acting like this?

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8 years ago

Right now it is really important to create good bond with your pup. This is best done through training, play and walks. Granted, the age and stamina of your puppy dictates the amount of time spent, but it is the quality of that time that is key. Being in tune with your pup is key. A puppy class would be very beneficial for both owner and dog. It is great for socialization, which is very important. It also helps owner with training and is great mentally for the dog. Please be patient during training… if you find you’re getting too… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, Certainly it is possible and plausible that there is a medical reason behind this. The only way to know is to see your vet. After that we discuss adequate exercise, diet, training and making sure that your puppy has everything they need to be happy, healthy, and a welcome member of your family. I would like to add that puppies (or any pet at all) are never ever “bad”. They are trying to tell you in the only way that they know how to, that they are frustrated and need something. Usually it is more time, attention, training and… Read more »