Are puppy’s hard to potty train?

Are puppy’s hard to potty train?

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Emilie Duval
Emilie Duval
6 years ago

If possible get a pup from a breeder who used the misty method. I’ve used it for all my litters and my boy has been fully house trained since 6 weeks old. It makes life a lot easier.

6 years ago

Potty training is fairl6 straight forward, so long as you put in the effort. Don’t allow time for accidents- in other words, puppy is with you and supervised at all possible times during training. When you see puppy posture to “go” then swiftly take puppy outside and then praise them they will learn quickly.

6 years ago

I like umbilical training – puppy is leashed TO a person when supervised and crated when not supervised. Go out every 20 minutes, at first. As puppy ages you can slowly increase the time between visits outside. This is a pain in the butt, so be prepared – puppies are a full time job for the first year, and the majority of that time is spent doing potty runs outside.