I just want the best for my baby. ..

I just want the best for my baby. ..

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Dakota Brooks
Dakota Brooks
8 years ago

I use ol Roy and my dogs seem to really love it!

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

If you want the best you should go online and research feeding your dog a raw or “BARF” diet – this is the most biologically appropriate diet for almost any dog.  Once you find local sources for the raw meat and raw bones required by the diet, and get both you and your dog comfortable feeding raw it will cost less than what you might spend on a premium prepared kibble or canned food. But, it may not fit with your lifestyle — many people can’t stand the thought of handling raw meat, gathering the supplies, and making sure food… Read more »

Kasia R
Kasia R
8 years ago

I use Hill’s too, but not the science diet, one of the prescription diets.