a lot harder for her to move in her cage and I and afraid that…

a lot harder for her to move in her cage and I and afraid that she won’t be able to move to her water and food dishes. It was already hard for her to move around but now it is too much for her I feel. I do not want to euthanize he and take away her pain and suffering but if this continues and she gets worse I feel I may have to to which would suck because she is a happy little rabbit. The thing that got me most worries is yesterday morning I heard her in her cage and it sounded like she was stuck so I went to check on her and she enough she was but when I went to check on her she was making noises, thrusting her head back and fourth to each side and grinding her teeth. She has never done this before so when she started doing this I ran over to my next door neighbors house who knows somethings about rabbits because he used to raise a lot of rabbits. He ended up saying that he had no idea what was wrong which didn’t help me at all and now i’m still worried because I don’t want to take her to the vet because I am afraid they will tell me to put her to sleep. If you know what to do or have advise please help me because I am scared and have no idea what to do! 🙁

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Anna Kurzer
Anna Kurzer
8 years ago

no I’m not neglecting her its just the way she was born. She can’t help it and how do I know if she’s in pain or not?

Anna Kurzer
Anna Kurzer
8 years ago

okay thanks…

Anna Kurzer
Anna Kurzer
8 years ago

i will for sure thank you 😉

8 years ago

prey animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, and rodents will often NOT show pain until they’re near death.

8 years ago

if your rabbit is in pain, ignoring her obvious need for a vet is neglect, and can be considered criminal neglect depending on the laws in your area.

i’m sorry, but this is the truth.  please take your rabbit to the vet.

8 years ago

(in other words, take your rabbit to the vet and get that leg looked at. PLEASE.)