he has constant access to hay, although he’s never really eaten it, it’s constantly there…

he has constant access to hay, although he’s never really eaten it, it’s constantly there

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ash Marley
ash Marley
9 years ago

he has Timothy hay constantly but doesn’t eat it,never has and I’ve been giving him veggies everyday as that’s all he will eat so if I don’t he won’t eat anything, I hope he starts eating soon,it’s not like him

Diedra Cardamone
9 years ago

Hello Ash,

A rabbits diet should generally consist of 90% hay, and 10% pellets. Veggies are given as treats.  The primary hay used in my experience is Timothy but you can also try Oat Hay, Meadow Grass or Orchard Grass (any grass hay).  In the US a well known brand it “Oxbow”.  If you do not have access to different types of hay maybe you can order online.  I hope your rabbit starts to eat more soon!
